Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wed., May 18, 2011

Announcements: Rocket fueling calculations
begin today!

Objectives: Gain comfort and practice working
with gas laws
Begin stoichiometric calculation for rocket

Warm-ups: A Weather balloon which has a
maximum volume of 4000 L is filled with
500 l of H2 at 720 torr and released. At
what height will the balloon burst if the
pressure decreases by 2.5 mm Hg for
every 1000 ft of elevation?
STP & Universal gas constant
Working with gas laws (problem set)
Standard molar volume
The Rocket fueling problem
Homework: What volume of Hydrogen and oxygen
will you need to generate for your rocket...assume a
pressure of 1 atm and 22 degrees Celcius.

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