Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fri., May 20, 2011

Announcements: Short essay on history of rocketry
is due on Monday!
Objectives: Gain comfort and practice working
with gas laws
Begin stoichiometric calculation for rocket

Warm-ups: On a bright summer day under standard
atmospheric pressure, Tommy is buying a helium
balloon for Timmy's birthday party. When the clerk
is filling the balloon, she stops part way through to
make sure it is not going to explode and checks the
pressure. The pressure is 77 KPa and the temperature
at the store is 24oC. She finishes inflating the balloon
to 0.75L full. When she stops, the ballon pressure is
155 KPa. When Tommy takes the balloon outside, it
explodes. What was the temperature outdoors?
type of helium balloon is fully inflated at 1.2 L.

Balance the Rocket Equations
What masses of Mg & MnO2 must you start with to
collect the right amount of H2 and O2 for your rocket?
Don't forget that in the room, here, it is not STP
Today's pressure & temperature

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