Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mon., May 23, 2011

Announcements: Today is an Even day
Checking "History of Rocketry"

We will be fueling and launching on Wed.
You must be prepared.
Homework: Create your procedure in some way
will impresses me and do your drawing of
the fueling process

Objectives: Stoichiometry for rocket fueling
Stoichiometric calculations for rocket fueling
Warm-up: You calculate that you need 640 mL
of H2 gas
for your rocket. Since the lab is at 22
degrees Celcius and
the atmospheric pressure
today is 1.2 atm, how many
moles of H2 will
you need in your rocket?

Show me your "History of Rocketry"
Complete your calcuations for the amounts of Mg
& MnO2 needed to produce your H2 & O2
Dry run of fueling process

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